Not sure where to go first? Click here for a quick intro and the artist statement!
Creative writing booklet centered around the theme of breaking through the shields we put up and the bubbles enclosing us
Not sure where to go first? Click here for a quick intro and the artist statement!
Magical realism story in a world where everyone has a unique soul mirror
A simple pumpkin bread recipe that is mentioned in "Soul Mirrors"
Memoir about my personal experiences with the Asian Fail (any grade that is less than perfect)
Recipe for a cake that is perfect when you are feeling down, like when you get an Asian Fail
A treat that I constantly asked for in elementary school when my parents wanted to drag me to an after-school program that I didn’t like before I cared about Asian Fails
A filling dessert with chocolate and vanilla components, representing my multiracial background, which complicates my relationship with the Asian Fail
A short story about a hypothetical future me baking cookies to reconnect with family members after being away from home for a long time
The recipe for the cookies that I make in “Shortbread Cookies”